Monday, March 16, 2015

The Boy That Proved Doctors Wrong, Noah

13 years ago Noah was born with Mosaic Trisomy 16.
There are zero known cases where a child with Trisomy 16 has survived, infact, most pregnancies resulting in a Trisomy 16 baby end before the first trimester and is said to be the leading cause of miscarriage (according to some literature.) There are less than 100 known cases world wide of surviving children with Mosaic Trisomy 16. Now Noah's parents was given the sad option to end their pregnancy after finding out that their new born son would have mosaic trisomy 16. As you can tell that Noah's parents decision was the right one cause he is still alive and breathing well. What makes me mad are the doctors, I know its their job to let parents know the sad facts BUT when you are told that IF by some MIRACLE he came home, he would be so mentally and physically delayed it "wouldn't be worth it" .... Who the hell are doctors to tell you what's worth it and what is not. I'm writing this with some help from his mom's webpage because I believe supporting kids with handicaps. Then again when you look at Noah you can NOT tell he has any. He is an amazing 13 year old boy who has the fighting power to over come anything that may be put in front of him. When I first started reading about his story on the blogspot, I was amazed and inspired big time, the surgeries, all this different help to get him to where he is today and he did it with a smile because of the fact that he proved all his doctors wrong. Not only am I 110% behind Noah but I'm also 110% behind his parents and his siblings. Not to long along standing in a grocery store line, some putz was complaining about his new neighbors kids had all, I'll use handicap cause I dont like the disabled cause no matter what u can do it, anyways after he saw my head shake in discuss he ask me how would like it if they moved next to me, I didn't miss a beat as I thought about Noah's family and said, invite them over, get to understand what's going on, treat them all like family, show them that they r still good people out there that cares. Obviously he didn't like my answer cause of the evil look I got but I got my answer across. As you can see from the board that I did up for Noah (I'll being doing a couple more for his siblings) its my way on showing my love, full support for them. I was fortunate to start chatting with his wonderful mom on google+ and I got to know more and more about the MT16 and other handicaps. Let's ALL start learning about the MT16 and start supporting this wonderful family, let them know that you also care by visiting their website